Primary Mathematics Curriculum Hub


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Exemplars: Stage 1 to Stage 4

Welcome to our Exemplars page, a treasure trove of potential learning experiences carefully chosen to inspire teachers and engage pupils. This curated collection highlights the immense possibilities for quality learning experiences for each of the four stages. These exemplars also offer valuable suggestions on how to interweave the five pedagogical practices from Chapter 6 into learning and teaching experiences.

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Group 9711
Stage — 01

Dive into fun learning experiences like Ten Terrible Dinosaurs, Mixed Up Numbers, and so much more!

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Group 9711
Stage — 02

Discover exciting learning experiences like The Greedy Triangle, Clock It, and so much more!

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Group 9711
Stage — 03

Uncover engaging learning experiences like The Mean Foot, Money Maze, and so much more!

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Group 9711
Stage — 04

Explore immersive learning experiences like Fill The Cake, Magic Potions, and so much more!

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